ECD 1203 - Health and Safety of Children

This course deals with issues that affect the health of children. It includes nutrition, hygiene, diseases, protection, first aid and safety. Laws and standards governing early childhood facilities are examined.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)

HEA 1203 - Basic Nurse Assistant Training Program

Health care skills for supporting and assisting individuals and families are introduced. This course meets the Illinois Department of Public Health's nurse aide certification requirements.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)

HIT 1203 - Healthcare Reimbursements

This course prepares individuals to compare healthcare payers, illustrate the reimbursement cycle, and comply with regulations related to fraud and abuse of healthcare reimbursement services. Individuals will assign Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs), Ambulatory Payment Classification (APCs) & Resource Utilization Groups (RUGs) with entry-level proficiency using computerized encoding & grouping software. Attention is given to the history of health insurance in the United States. A summary of insurance coverage is then provided. The impact of managed care on hospital and physician reimbursement is highlighted. The structure of Government payers, Medicare and Medicaid are explained and the stringent coding rules mandated by Medicare are discussed. Individuals will engage in simulations that illustrate the importance of negotiation and cooperation in providing services under different reimbursement scenarios. PREREQUISITE: HIT 1201 Healthcare Delivery Systems and HIT 1202 Healthcare Data Management or concurrent enrollment.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)

HLT 1203 - Health Careers I

This course will include those skills that would enable a person to give proper immediate care to those who have been injured or suddenly become ill, until competent medical care can be obtained. It will include how to recognize a serious medical emergency and knowledge of how to get help. First aid skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills will be emphasized. Demonstration of skills will be required for completion of the course. PREREQUISITE: HLT 1201 Health Careers Orientation or consent of instructor.

IAI Codes - Illinois Articulation Initiative (If applicable)